Two-House Theology (also called bney-yosef, bnai ephraim, hebrew roots, lost tribes)
as taught by a Hebrew Roots/Messianic leader Daniel Botkin
Agenda 1
Using the "lost tribes" con to get Jews to consider yeshu
We should be aware of the fact that Orthodox Jews do expect Mashiach (Messiah) to regather the twelve tribes. Perhaps it could be pointed out to them that the descendants of the tribes are indeed being regathered from among the Gentile nations as they come to Yeshua and into the Messianic Community. Centuries ago, when virtually all Gentile Christians just lived a typical Catholic or Protestant lifestyle, the suggestion would not have been so feasible. But now that so many Gentile Christians are embracing the Torah, honoring the true Sabbath, and celebrating the Biblical Feasts, the idea may not seem too far-fetched for Orthodox Jews to consider it. (Some already do believe it, by the way.) And if they are persuaded that many of these "Messianic Gentiles" are really descendants of the ten northern tribes and are awakening to their Israelite identity because of their faith in Yeshua of Nazareth, then they might also be persuaded to consider His Messianic claims more seriously than they did in the past, when they viewed Christianity as just another pagan religion. Two reasons that Orthodox Jews give to explain their refusal to consider the Messianic claims of Yeshua are: 1) He did not regather the tribes; and 2) He [allegedly] taught His followers to abandon the Torah. Both of these reasons are based on mistaken assumptions. The Two-House teaching presents a vision of Yeshua currently in the process of regathering the tribes and awakening them to their identity as Israelites. And as these "Messianic Gentiles" awaken, they also see that Yeshua did not teach against the Torah. On the contrary, He honored it, upheld it, and taught His disciples to obey it. As the Messianic Israel movement continues to grow, I believe that Jewish people will be more open to examining the Messianic claims of Yeshua.
Agenda 2
Getting xians to go along with the "lost tribes/two-house" theology
Christians need to be made to understand that they cannot be a partaker of the new covenant unless they are part of the house of Israel or the house of Judah. They may be of 100% Gentile ancestry, but they have to join themselves to one of the two houses in order to lay claim to any new covenant privilege or status. Even the true Gentile "companions" had to be in one of Ezekiel's two sticks. There was no third stick called "the stick for the Gentiles." The twelve gates of the New Jerusalem have the names of the twelve tribes written on them. There is no gate labeled "Gentiles." If Gentiles wish to enter the New Jerusalem, they will have to identify with one of the twelve tribes and pass through that tribe's gate. Once a Christian has been awakened to his spiritual identity as a full-fledged member of the house of Israel, it will be easier for him to relate to his Israelite heritage - Israel's Torah, Israel's Sabbath, Israel's history. Because the Christian is joined to Israel's Messiah, he is also joined to Israel. Israel's Torah, Israel's Sabbath, and Israel's history also become his Torah, his Sabbath, his history. He has not stolen these things from the Jews. He has inherited them as a jointheir by means of his adoption into the house of Israel through Israel's Messiah. Whether or not he has physical Israelite ancestry is unimportant on a personal level. The important thing is that God is reuniting the two houses, and he is a part of it, regardless of whether or not he understands (or even believes) the Two-House teaching.
Wow! Tremendous. Thanks so much for clarifying this issue. I definitely understand the goals and mindset better after reading this. HKB"H should send them all packing from our holy land.
ReplyDeleteOhh, yes, these people. I am extremely well acquainted with these folks... I used to be among them.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't think they're going to have any real success at all in getting Jews to believe their nonsense. But yet, it is very important to educate Jews in these new kinds of Christianity.