GLC, founded by Al and Tommy Cooper, sent out their end of year newsletter which shows very clearly they are an organization whose goal is to missionize Jews.
With phrases like "reaching the lost sheep of Israel" and "reach the lost with the good news of Yeshua" and "to the Jew first" I don't think there can be any doubt where these people stand on the "salvation of the Jews".
What's even worse is the theology being pushed by the Coopers as they stated in a speech they gave at a ceremony in which they were honored by "Orthodox" Jews Ari Abramowitz and Sondra Oster Baras. The Coopers believe that the people of Israel, includes xians who are "grafted in" by their belief in yeshu. They believe this entitles them, and all those like them, to the inheritance promised to Avraham and his decendents i.e. the land of Israel.
The American(ized) Israeli Generals
*6 Adar 5785*
Like the political elites, the military elites of Israel hold neither the
Jewish people, nor Jewish interests, paramount. They serve at th...
B"H Foreseeing the tremendous suffering the Jewish people would undergo
during the era immediately preceding Moshiach’s arrival, the sages cried
out, “Let ...