You are probably aware of Eddie Beckford, the missionary in Arad that has caused much trouble for Am Yisrael. He attacked and sued Yad L achim. Well he is now opening a xian school in the Negev.
Does anyone know just how many xian schools there now are in Israel? I heard there is one near Davidka in Jerusalem and thought it was a novelty. How is it that they are allowed the space, authority, etc. to open these schools--after all, they are only for missionary kids, right--so why are they here if missionizing is not allowed?? How can we get rid of this plague??
It is not just for missionary kids it is for Israeli (citizens)kids (Jews and Arabs) who happen to believe in yeshu. This groupl is increasing all the time thanks to the xian influence in Israeli society.
The American(ized) Israeli Generals
*6 Adar 5785*
Like the political elites, the military elites of Israel hold neither the
Jewish people, nor Jewish interests, paramount. They serve at th...
B"H Foreseeing the tremendous suffering the Jewish people would undergo
during the era immediately preceding Moshiach’s arrival, the sages cried
out, “Let ...
Who are the students supposed to be ?
Local Xtians ?
I bet the missionary is promising food and other advantages to Jewish poor families in order to find victims.
Does anyone know just how many xian schools there now are in Israel? I heard there is one near Davidka in Jerusalem and thought it was a novelty. How is it that they are allowed the space, authority, etc. to open these schools--after all, they are only for missionary kids, right--so why are they here if missionizing is not allowed?? How can we get rid of this plague??
It is not just for missionary kids it is for Israeli (citizens)kids (Jews and Arabs) who happen to believe in yeshu. This groupl is increasing all the time thanks to the xian influence in Israeli society.
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