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Friday, July 29, 2016


The Second B’ney Yosef National Congress will take place just after Sukkot (Tabernacles), October 26-31 at the Eshel HaShomron Hotel in Ariel, Israel. Those who are familiar with this subject know that the First Congress in May 2015 resulted in the establishment of BYNA and in similar initiatives in Europe. Over 130 delegates from 12 nations gathered in Ariel, Israel, for the First B’ney Yosef (Sons of Joseph) National Congress. With that in mind, it should be understood that the Second Congress is not a BYNA event. It is more accurate to say that BYNA is a North American expression of the global Ephraimite awakening that inspired the B’ney Yosef Congress.
Jeremiah speaks of a Greater Exodus as both Houses of Israel return to the Promised Land under Messiah’s leadership. The process of restoring our Jewish brethren of the House of Judah has been in progress for over 150 years, and today over half of the world’s recognized Jewish population now lives in the Land. In recent years a growing awareness of the Jewishness of Yeshua of Nazareth has sparked a move to examine the Messianic claims of Yeshua and to open dialogue with Christian, Messianic Jewish, and Hebrew Roots believers. We watch with anticipation and hope that this will bring the spiritual renewal of our brethren as they look for Messiah and the full restoration of the nation.
This is what they call the "spiritual restoration" meaning Jews accepting yeshu
As Judah awakens, so also does the other half of the nation, known in Scripture as the House of Israel, Joseph, and Ephraim. The Torah Awakening of recent years among Christians has matured into an awakening to our identity as Israelites. This identity is firmly grounded in the covenantal promises of YHVH to our fathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to the work of Messiah Yeshua in opening the way for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel return (Genesis 12:1-3, 15:1-6, 26:1-5, 28:13-15; Matthew 15:24). Moreover, we know that the returning seed of Israel will bring multitudes with them from among the nations who will become full members of the nation (Isaiah 56:1-7; Ezekiel 37:1-28; Romans 11:11-32; Ephesians 2:11-22). 
This is what they call the "physical restoration" meaning millions of xians making aliyah. Oh and don't forget they claim to be (spiritually) descended from the tribe of Ephraim/Menashe so those Jews living in that area, Yehudah and Shomron have to leave and go to the area of Judah.

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