I certainly don't want to spend my time investigating this garbage and I don't want to encourage any Jew to listen to or watch these idolatrous things but I don't feel I have a choice. As long as erev rav Jews are giving idol worshipers access to our holy land and our innocent helpless children, someone has to inform good Jews and try to put a stop to it.
G-D TV which broadcasts xian programming 24 hours a day, organizes a tour of Israel each year. This year they claim 950 tourists are on the tour. The tour is being launched today with a woship concert at the Tzemach Amphitheater at the Sea of Galilee. This concert will be broadcast live internationally at 19:30 Israel time. Kim Clement, a xian musician/worship leader and self-proclaimed prophet will be leading the avodah zara event. Clement tells his followers, which he calls warriors, that he has regular meetings with Israeli government officials including Nir Barkat. In 2011 G-D TV tour hosted the Kim Clement worship concert at the Tower of David in the Old City which Nir Barkat was scheduled to attend. In this video promoting the 2011 tour, there is an interview with a Russian immigrant to Israel who is a Hebrew rapper for yeshu, which was supposedly prophesied by Clement.
Clement raises millions of dollars from xians by promising that if they donate money, which he then donates to Israeli organizations, they will be protected from their enemies. He, like many other missionaries use this money to buy their way into Israel, to missionize. They like to donate to organizations that give them access to the weakest and poorest sectors of Israeli society, new immigrants, Ethiopians, holocaust survivors and children. Clement donates to International Fellowship of Christians and Jews - Israel Missions, Jewish Agency for Israel: North American Council - Ethiopian Jewish Children Shelters - Absorption Center and Shalva: The Association for Mentally & Physically Challenged Children. If all of this wasn't enough, Kim Clement and his band visited the children of Shalva. It was reported in the Jerusalem Post and recorded on video.
For visitors to the Holy Land, a trip to Shalva presents an opportunity to see real life in Jerusalem and - for those interested in hands-on work - a chance to volunteer in the midst of dozens of children.
Just this year, several Christian groups either visited or volunteered at Shalva joining the thousands of Jewish tour groups from abroad that have already learned about this hidden gem nestled in Jerusalem's hills.
Clement had an opportunity to bond with with the children and give them gifts. At one point in the video he is hugging a young man and his eyes are closed as if he is praying over him. He and his band then performed a concert of xian music, which he considers evangelizing. After the concert Kalman Samuels, founder and director of Shalva, says "This was an amazing, amazing concert for us. It was just an uplifting incredible experience. Thank you and may G-d bless you with continued success all over the world". In one place in the video Clement holds his hand on a childs head. This is referred to in xian circles as the "laying on of hands". It is usually accompanied by prayer for healing. Near the end of the video Clement not only has his arms around two little girls, he kisses a little boy on the mouth.
He mentions in this video, recorded this past Shabbat in Jerusalem, that he has a vision to purchase property in Israel to build "a prophetic center" "to preach and bring the gospel". He needs to build this because "the prophet's feet must be in the holy land".
When the xians tried to force us to convert we were willing to sacrifice our lives rather than betray the Torah and G-d. Now that they are coming out of "love" with gifts and money, we are willing to betray our Torah, our heritage, our G-d? With a smile on our faces and joy in our hearts? What would Hannah and her sons or Rabbi Akiva say if they could see this?
Clement is not the only idolatrous missionary involved in this tour. I hope to post more throughout the week.
The Criminal Actions of the Israeli Government
*10 Adar 5785*
*How Hamas got a Ramadan ceasefire and released no hostages - analysis*
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